Mentoring text messaging program
Mentoring text messaging program

mentoring text messaging program

If you have any questions regarding your rights as a research subject, please contact Dr. If you feel uncomfortable at any point during this process, you may leave the study. There will not be any compensation as it is done by the choice of the participant. Eligibility criteria for mentors were as follows: aged at least18 years, living in the United States, having quit smoking more than 1 year, willingness to mentor smokers through texting, completing the online training program, and creating a personal profile (described below Supplementary Figure 1 ). All records will be kept confidential and every participant will be kept anonymous. The benefits of participating in this questionnaire will be to help the researchers gain some understanding of your knowledge gain from participating in the mentoring experience. There are no known risks for participating in the Pre-Posttest. In sub-Saharan Africa, shortages of trained healthcare workers and limited resources necessitate innovative and cost-effective approaches for training, supervising, and mentoring. The participation in this Pre-Posttest is voluntary, and the participant can choose to no longer partake in this questionnaire at any time.

mentoring text messaging program

You will complete the Pre-test initially and the Posttest at the end of your participation. By using a simple text reminder, asthma sufferers are reminded to take care of their condition and take any medicine if they need it. The Pre and Posttest should take you 15-20 minutes each to complete. The researchers will conduct workshops, groups sessions, conferences, one on one mentoring meetings either direct or by some form of technology communication such as zoom, text messaging, conference calling or other methods you will be made aware of prior to implementing.

mentoring text messaging program

This is a study being done to examine the impact of the mentoring program on your university experience.

Mentoring text messaging program